Happy New Year Everyone!

By: Mark Anderson

We were very fortunate to again begin rehearsals and singing as a choir for the fall session. It was wonderful to see old and new friends come together to make music and fellowship. Our numbers were smaller for the fall season but we certainly did not lack in enthusiasm. We were fortunate to present a small concert on December 13 for a limited audience of invited family and guests. It was a very enjoyable evening to be able to sing a great selection of old and new favourites during the Christmas season. Marcia did a wonderful job of selecting interesting and lovely music to sing for our first concert since Covid19 interrupted and changed our routines. Amy kept us in tune, and usually, up to speed. We are so lucky to have her talents at the keyboard!

Going forward we are planning a spring concert! It will be a lighter version of previous spring concerts but promises to provide interest and challenge to choristers and a musical treat for the audience.

We welcome new and experienced singers!

We ask that all choir members be fully vaccinated, including the booster. We wear masks at all times during rehearsals and while together in the church. Rehearsal will run for 45 minutes and then we will take a 15 minute break to clear out of the hall and refresh the air. Following the break we will return for another 45 minutes of singing. Rehearsals are scheduled to begin JANUARY 10, 2022 at Zion Mennonite Church in Swift Current. Rehearsal begins at 7:30 p.m. Join us on January 10 we would love to sing with you!

Feel free to contact myself Mark Anderson at [email protected] Or Marcia McLean at [email protected] if you are interested in joining us and have any questions

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